Friday, 30 September 2011


There are various obvious reasons why a person gains weight, one thing is for sure it doesn't happen overnight. Habits, genes, illness, medicine, the world around you and emotions would seem to be the obvious reasons.

Although you may not be able to control all the factors that lead to overweight, you can change your eating and physical activity habits. And by changing those habits, you may be able to improve your weight and your health.

Basal metabolism is the amount of energy required to maintain the body's vital processes, such as heartbeat, respiration and maintenance of body temperature, while the body is at the rest and this varies between different people. 

In theory, if a person's metabolic requirements are high, the greater the likelihood that calories from food will be utilised to provide energy rather than being laid down as fat.

As you already know, BMR is higher in children and young adults than in older people. 

Muscles requires more energy than fat, and since males have more muscle and less fat compared to females, their Basal Metabolic Rate is generally higher although this varies considerably between individuals.

However, it certainly seems to be true that some people are able to eat more or less what they like without gaining weight. 

It is known that there is a close relationship between BMR and weight and the heavier the body, the higher the BMR. It is estimated that BMR accounts for about two-thirds of the body's daily need for calories, with the remaining third required for all the activities, just to maintain the person at his or her current weight.(Frequently, a greater amount of weight is lost at the start of a diet than towards the end, so it is necessary to be both patient and persistent. It is always worth remembering that a loss and steady loss of weight is much more likely to result in long-term success, particularly if you are determine)

Body Mass Index (BMI) is one way to tell whether you are at a healthy weight, overweight, or obese. It measures your weight in relation to your height.


A BMI of 18.5 to 24.9 is in the healthy range. A BMI of 25 to 29.9 is overweight, and a BMI of 30 or greater is considered obese. (For an accurate reading, refer to your doctors)

In short, it seems likely that individual genetic factors, including those affecting metabolism, do influence a person's susceptibility to gain weight and this is hardly surprising since genes determine all the physical characteristics of the body. 

However, for most people, factors within their own control- diet, lifestyle and exercise- will determine whether they gain weight, become obese or maintain their weight at a reasonable level.

Source - (Health & Fitness, 30th Sep, 2011)

Thursday, 29 September 2011


1. Spuds have a bad reputation for its high carbs, but because they are thrice as filling as a slice of white bread, it tops all food when it the satiety index. In addition, the starch in potatoes helps burn body fat.

2.  Thanks to all that fiber, oranges rank the highest in the list of satisfying fruits. The fiber fights fat, ergo -- if you eat more fiber, you'll have less flab. So go grab an orange.

3.  Milk, particularly skim milk, contain proteins (whey and casein) that can make you feel more satisfied than sugary drinks and tells your brain you've had enough to eat.

4.  Pine nuts contain fatty acids that boost hormones that make you feel full and keep belly fat away.

5.  Another reason to indulge in chocolate: Compounds in chocolate slows down digestion, so you'll eat less at your next meal. A small piece of chocolate can also help curb your cravings for salty, sweet and fatty food.

6.   Eggs are loaded with protein and the amino acids in egg whites help build lean muscle that may help your metabolism. Have them for breakfast, and it can curb your appetite.

7.  Cheese from grass-fed animals like goat and feta cheese contain conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) that helps you feel full and burn more fat. Cottage cheese on the other hand contains whey protein that tells your brain you've had enough to eat as well.

Source - Yahoo News 30th Sep, 2011

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Coffee May Prevent Depression, Scientists Say

Women who drink two or more cups of coffee a day are less likely to get depressed, research suggests.

It is not clear why it might have this effect, but the authors believe caffeine in coffee may alter the brain's chemistry. Decaffeinated coffee did not have the same effect.

The findings, published in Archives of Internal Medicine, come from a study of more than 50,000 US female nurses.

The experts are now recommending more work to better understand the link.

And they say it is certainly too soon to start recommending that women should drink more coffee to boost mood. 

Coffee must contain caffeine to have the effect, say the researchers

Caffeine lift

The Harvard Medical School team tracked the health of the women over a decade from 1996 to 2006 and relied on questionnaires to record their coffee consumption.
Just over 2,600 of the women developed depression over this time period.

More of these women tended to be non- or low-coffee drinkers rather than frequent coffee consumers.

Compared with women who drank one cup of caffeinated coffee or less per week, those who consumed two to three cups per day had a 15% decreased risk of developing depression.

Those who drank four or more cups a day cut their risk by 20%.

Even after controlling for all of these variables, the trend of increasing coffee consumption and lower depression remained.

Mounting evidence
The researchers say their findings add weight to the work of others which found lower suicide rates among coffee drinkers.

They suspect caffeine is the key player - it is known to enhance feelings of wellbeing and energy. 

And it has a physical effect on brain function and transmission by blocking certain chemical receptors, like adenosine. But more research is needed to show if this might mean it is useful for warding off depression.

Alternatively, it might be that people with low moods chose not to drink coffee because it contained caffeine, point out the researchers. One of the common symptoms of depression is disturbed sleep, and caffeine can exacerbate this because it is a stimulant.

Too much caffeine can also increase feelings of anxiety.

Prof Bertil Fredholm, an expert in pharmacology and physiology at Sweden's Karolinska Institute, said the findings were reassuring for coffee-lovers.

"This fits nicely with a lot of the previous work and what we know about caffeine and the brain. It blocks adenosine, which produces a similar effect to increasing dopamine production. And it's becoming increasingly clear that the dopamine-rich areas of the brain are much more important in depression that previously thought.

"Despite valiant efforts to show how dangerous coffee is for us, it is not proving so.

"This removes yet another anxiety regarding caffeine use. Drunk in moderation, the evidence is strong that it is not one of the things we do that is going to damage your health."

How much caffeine?
  • There is no recommended level a person should consume
  • But pregnant women are advised to consume less than 200mg a day
  • One mug of instant coffee: 100mg
  • One mug of filter coffee: 140mg
  • One mug of tea: 75mg
  • One can of cola: 40mg
  • One 50g bar of milk chocolate: about 25mg
Source: NHS Choices

Saturday, 24 September 2011

dCQ Cappuccino Collagen

dCQ Cappuccino Collagen
Malaysia Product , mempunyai sijil Halal, GMP, KKM

bukanlah minuman kopi biasa.  Ianya telah diformulasikan dengan begitu teliti sekali demi memenuhi citarasa para penggemar kopi.  Aroma kopi yang segar serta rasanya yang sedap membuatkan anda tidak jemu untuk menikmatinya setiap hari.  Kombinasi utama minuman ini adalah terdiri dari biji kopi yang terpilih, gula, susu bermutu tinggi, Marine Collagen & Vitamin C.

Marine Collagen adalah ekstrak gelatin daripada ikan laut dalam dan amat kaya dengan 20 jenis asid amino yang dapat membantu menghaluskan struktur kulit. Mengikut fakta, Vitamin C pula bertindak secara berterusan untuk menguatkan ketahanan badan serta membantu proses pembentukan collagen.

Khasiat collagen dapat membantu mencerahkan, menegangkan kulit serta menjadikan kulit kelihatan lebih cantik. Ia membantu mengurangkan garis-garis halus yang timbul dan mengecilkan pori-pori kulit terutama pada wajah. Jika diamalkan secara berterusan,  ianya juga dapat membantu memulihkan kulit kusam serta tidak sekata menjadikan kulit sentiasa tegang, licin serta bersinar .


Penjagaan kulit yang sempurna seharusnya bermula sejak awal. Minuman ini sesuai untuk semua golongan tanpa mengira dan usia. 

Penyediaannya : 
Anda cuma perlu campurkan 1 paket dari Cappucino Collagen dengan air panas dan minum dua kali sehari (sebelum sarapan dan sebelum tidur). Insyaallah, anda akan dapat merasai khasiatnya jika diamalkan secara berterusan.  Perlu diingat, ianya adalah minuman “bukannya ubat” yang dapat memberikan kesan dalam sekelip mata atau jangkamasa yang singkat.


Kepada sesiapa yang berminat untuk menjadi agen, sila email / hello me 010-4314217

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Tips Memakan Coklat

Walaupun coklat mengandungi banyak kebaikan tetapi itu tidak bermakna kita boleh sewenang-wenangnya memakan coklat dalam jumlah yang banyak tanpa berpada-pada. Coklat tetap mengandungi kalori yang tinggi.

Tip 1 - Mengimbangi Kalori
Kajian menunjukkan jumlah yang ideal ialah dengan mengambil tidak lebih dari 100 gram dark chocolate sehari. Setiap satu bar dark chocolate mengandungi 400 kalori. Jika kita memakan separuh (200 kalori) kita perlu mengimbangi dengan mengurangkan pengambilan kalori lain seperti gula-gula atau snek.

Tip 2 - Nikmati Coklat
Merasai coklat dapat memberikan kenikmatan kepada kita. Oleh itu, apabila memakan coklat kita perlu mengambil masa untuk betul-betul merasainya - melihat dan menilai rupa bentuknya, menghidu, merasa dan menikmati setiap kepingan coklat.

Tip 3 - Pilihlah Dark Chocolate (Coklat Hitam)
Coklat hitam mengandungi jauh lebih banyak antioksidan berbanding susu atau coklat putih. Coklat hitam mempunyai 65% atau lebih kandungan koko.

Tip 4 - Elakkan Coklat Dalam Bentuk Nougat
Elakkan coklat yang mengandungi karamel, nougat atau bahan-bahan isian lain. Kandungan ini hanya meningkatkan kandungan gula dan lemak yang tidak baik. Namun begitu, coklat dengan kandungan kacang adalah baik.

Tip 5 - Elakkan Susu
Kajian mendapati meminum susu selepas memakan coklat menghalang antioksidan daripada diserapkan ke dalam badan.


Khasiat Coklat

Bila sebut sahaja coklat, secara automatik ia dibayangkan sebagai satu bahan makanan yang tidak baik dan menggemukkan. Namun begitu tidak ramai yang sedar bahawa coklat, terutamanya dark chocolate sebenarnya mengandungi khasiat yang sangat baik.

Kenapa Coklat Menyihatkan?
Coklat dihasilkan daripada tumbuh-tumbuhan, oleh itu ia mengandungi khasiat yang terdapat dalam sayur-sayuran. Salah satunya ialah flavonoid yang bertindak sebagai antioksidan. Antikoksidan melindungi badan dari proses penuaan. Coklat mempunyai lapan kali lebih banyak antioksidan berbanding strawberi. Selain itu flavonoids juga dapat mengurangkan tekanan darah dan mengimbangkan hormon dalam badan.

Khasiat Coklat Untuk Jantung
Dark chocolate baik untuk jantung - pengambilan seketul kecil coklat mampu menurunkan tekana darah dan juga mengurangkan LDL (kolesterol jahat) sehingga 10%.

Lain-lain Khasiat Coklat
  • Rasanya yang lazat
  • Menghasilkan endorphin yang dapat memberikan kenikmatan
  • mengandungi serotonin yang mampu bertindak sebagai antidepresi - sebab itulah ramai orang tertekan suka memakan coklat.
  • mengandungi teobromine, caffeine dan bahan lain yang bertindak sebagai perangsang.
Coklat Mengandungi Lemak?
Ya. Tetapi kebanyakan lemak di dalam coklat tidak memberikan kesan terhadap kolesterol. Kandungan lemak coklat terbahagi kepada tiga bahagian iaitu 1/3 oleic acid, 1/3 stearic acid dan 1/3 palmitic acid.
  • Oleic asid ialah lemak tak tepu yang juga terdapat dalam minyak zaitun
  • Stearic asid adalah lemak tepu, tetapi kajian menunjukkan ia memberi kesan neutral ke atas kolesterol.
  • Palmitic asid juga adalah lemak tepu - bahagian inilah yang meningkatkan kolesterol dan risiko sakit jantung.
Ini bermakna hanya 33% lemak di dalam coklat yang tidak baik manakala bakinya adalah lemak yang tidak memudaratkan.

Namun begitu, ini tidak bermaknanya kita patut mengambil coklat semahu-mahunya. Ketahui cara sihat untuk mengambil coklat di dalam artikel seterusnya - Tips Memakan Coklat

Thursday, 1 September 2011

Punca-punca Jerawat

Jerawat bukan sahaja masalah bagi anak remaja tetapi ia juga melibatkan orang dewasa. Jerawat terjadi bila kelenjar minyak mengeluarkan terlalu banyak minyak dan sebum di kulit terutamanya di muka, dada dan belakang. Punca jerawat boleh disebabkan oleh pelbagai faktor. Faktor hormon adalah penyebab utama jerawat bagi wanita dalam lingkungan umur subur.

Majoritinya adalah dalam lingkungan belasan tahun dan awal 20-an. Faktor seperti ahli keluarga yang banyak jerawat juga memainkan peranan. Penggunaan pil perancang, ubat steroid, vitamin B12, kosmetik, pakaian yang ketat atau apa saja yang menutup liang minyak menyebabkan masalah jerawat.

Sebahagian jerawat timbul dari ketegangan dan tekanan emosi yang dihadapi setiap hari. Ini mungkin dari penghasilan minyak dan sebum di kulit yang bertambah dan terdedah kepada asap dan bahan kimia atau faktor alam sekitar seperti cuaca panas. Kebanyakan jerawat akan hilang sendiri jika kulit sentiasa bersih dan sihat.

Tetapi sesetengahnya boleh menjadi teruk dan kronik.

Jerawat juga disebabkan oleh masalah gula dalam darah, radang kulit yang kronik dan juga stres yang melampau. Untuk pengetahuan anda, banyak jenis makanan yang boleh memburukkan lagi keadaan kulit anda yang sedia bermasalah dan seterusnya menyebabkan pertumbuhan jerawat.

Contohnya, jerawat akan tumbuh jika anda kekurangan tidur, menyedut udara yang tercemar dan juga menghadapi tekanan yang teruk akibat kerja dan hal peribadi. Jadi elok adik dapatkan rehat yang secukupnya kerana jerawat mungkin timbul dari perasaan tertekan dan bermasalah yang juga secara tak langsung boleh menganggu aturan tidur seseorang.

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